
Welcome to the Pain and Simple Blog, the place where complex issues get simple answers.  My name is Kelli Wilson and I am a physical therapist that specializes in the whole body.  I am a musculoskeletal expert.  I am a detective.  I see things that we are all guilty of doing each and every day that can cause pain.

Technology has made great strides in assisting us with medical diagnoses, but sometimes it has convoluted what the main issue is and why certain pain patterns are happening.  Too many tests to give an umbrella diagnosis.  Sometimes there are simple answers.

I urge you to go with me on this journey of exploration and explanation of resolving pain with simple advice and changes in your daily life.  Each blog, I plan on sharing simple approaches that you can easily incorporate into your life to make you feel better!

And at the end of every blog…..I want to share personal stories about me, my family, and friends.  It will have nothing to do with pain.  But hopefully, will bring a smile to your face.

A few serious, verifiable facts about me.

I am the clinic director at Integrity Rehab in Copperas Cove, Texas.  I work with orthopedic and male/female pelvic pain populations.

I own an education company, Alcove Education, with longtime friend and physical therapist, Sara Sauder.  We teach medical practitioners how to treat pelvic pain diagnoses.

I am a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists where I completed extra-curriculum beyond my doctorate and mentored under Leilani Connors PT, FAAOMPT.

I am a Certified Orthopedic Specialist.

I have my Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Texas Woman’s University.

I am an avid reader but being the mother of 2 young children, I have resorted to listening to books on my phone.  There is simply not enough time in the day! 🙂



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